Rolling out the White Carpet for
Daring to be bold and different, Red Dream Studios opted for a complete whitewash of the website for award-winning Hollywood director, Michael J. Greenspan. The website, a great departure from most websites that are cluttered, full of information (that may or may not be read), is purely simple and to the point -- to drive the viewer to see Michael's films.
Michael expressed his desire to be different from other showreel websites out there, because let's face it, if you conform, you're hardly going to get noticed. We therefore went with the KiSS method (Keep it Simple Stupid) in order to deliver the goods without clouding the message. Michaels films are also displayed using Adobe Flash's .FLV technology, providing, in my opinion, one of the best balances of file size vs. image quality. After all, some of Michael's short films are available for viewing in their entirety from the website.

For more information, visit Red Dream Studios.